The Land Geek’s Part II to Creating More Buyer’s Than You Can Handle
Step #1: Be accessible: When people call you, pick up the phone!!!!
In this day and age people get a lot of comfort from being able to personally speak to the owner of the property, especially when they are buying on-line and have not actually seen the property themselves.
We also live in the era of instant gratification. People are so tired of going through the bureaucracy of anything now and folks now want to be able to contact anyone at anytime! So be social, be everywhere! Be on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In etc. Configure your website settings so that when you add a blog post it automatically goes to Facebook and Twitter and ensure that you have your notifications properly set up so that you are immediately made aware of new questions that are posted in forums, social media sites etc. where you have a profile. If someone has a question for you on a forum or Facebook, answer the question promptly even if you need to gather additional information you can at least make your presence known in a brief way and then respond with more information as soon as you are able.
Step #2: Utilize Virtual Assistants to Leverage Your Time
You can’t be everywhere at the same time and one way to be accessible to your clients is to use Virtual Assistants to free up your time. I am creating an entire training program on how to use Virtual Assistants because in this business they can do almost every aspect of this business. To the contrary, you can’t focus on your priorities if you are trying to do everything that is involved in running a business. Your focus should be exclusively on: customer service; doing deals, buying property at wholesale prices, creating your marketing plan and overseeing your virtual assistants to ensure it is executed; setting up your social media presence, building your lists and overseeing the development of your website and squeeze pages so that you can develop strong buyer’s lists.
For an example, if go to my website www.frontierpropertiesusa.com you will see that I have my Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, RSS Feeds icons readily accessible and very visible to make it really easy for people to engage with me on the social media sites.
Your goal is to quarter-back off the work of the Virtual Assistants. So to get started go to Odesk.com or Elance.com to find Virtual Assistants from countries around the world with varying skills, rates and more. You can have Virtual Assistants (VAs) help you from the beginning:
– Example #1: Hire someone to set up your WordPress site
– Example #2: Once you have created your land ad, you can pay them to post the to the appropriate websites.
– Example #3: Have them troll the internet for real estate questions that you can answer. I hired an assistant in the Philippines who goes on a yahoo forum for real estate and sends me ten land questions every day. I answer the questions directly through the yahoo forum which engages me in these on-line forum conversations and sure enough that is driving traffic to my website because people say “who is this guy,” they see that I know what I am talking about and want to start following my work.
It does not do you any good to be working 80 hours/week trying to do this job and getting all bogged down in the technology and the details when there is such a better way to do things! In this day and age, there are so many inexpensive ways to get this work done so think outside the box and use your time wisely!