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Why You Should Buy Land in Nevada (as opposed to other states)

By: Mark Podolsky August 3, 2011

Why is Nevada property so special?  Why not invest in California, Wyoming or Montana?  The reason you should be especially keen on Nevada is because:

In Nevada there is no personal or corporate income tax, no inheritance or gift tax, estate tax, and extremely low property taxes.
Despite the hit Nevada has taken economically, Nevada is the fastest growing state in the U.S. for the last fifteen years.  People love to sin and Nevada let’s you hit all the vices without judgement or punishment.

I have a perfect 71 acre parcel ready to be taken down.  See the details here.

Chrome/ Firefox / Safari Extension tip:  Ghostery.  If you value your online privacy.  Check out Ghostery here.


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Why You Should Buy Land i…

by Mark Podolsky time to read: <1 min