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What if I don’t pay taxes on raw land?

By: Mark Podolsky January 30, 2013

Question: I know the county takes the land but the thing is I don’t care, I’m tired of paying taxes on raw land i don’t plan on doing anything with. I mostly want to know if they can ruin my credit or send me to collections or what.

Answer:  If you are certain you won’t ever use the land you should try selling it before the County either sells it  for non-payment of taxes or sells a tax lien on it.  Eventually, you’ll lose your land.  However, you might get more money than you anticipated if you try to sell it even with the back taxes owed. If you can’t sell it or if you sell it for less than you paid for it you could get a tax break. If you inherited it you might still get a tax break depending on its value when you inherited it. Typically, losing your property to tax sale won’t affect your credit rating on piece of raw land.  Nevertheless, every County is different, so you should contact the County Tax Assessor to confirm not paying the taxes won’t affect your credit rating with the major credit agencies.

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What if I don’t pay tax…

by Mark Podolsky time to read: 1 min