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What drives you to be a land baron?

By: Mark Podolsky January 6, 2012

So, what drives you to be a land baron? When I first started acquiring land it was a means for me to get out of a dead-end job. My wife thought I was crazy and I didn’t care. I knew that the worst-case was I would own land. Even if I couldn’t sell it, or make a profit on it I had something that was more important to me than any other possessions that I owned. If everything went to hell in a handbasket in my life I knew in my gut that here was something I owned that I could escape to with my family.  The romantic notion of  living off the land like the early settlers appealed to my inner explorer.  I think most of my investors are looking for camping property or property where they can go around exploring the surrounding areas and it’s not just a cold calculated investment for them like a stock or mutual fund. I think for some investors the reason they want to become a land owner is it represents an escape for them should society ever really break down (hopefully, that never happens.)I think some  land investors really want to get back to a simpler way of life in the opens space of unadulterated clean air and views. When visiting my Nevada property I was taken aback by the quiet along the back drop of mountain views. The pride of ownership of going to bed every night knowing that I own 40 acres in a pristine part of the world just puts a smile on my face.So, shoot me a line and let me know what motivates you to be a land baron.   I’d really like to know.

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What drives you to be a l…

by Mark Podolsky time to read: 1 min