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Wealth Building Time

By: Mark Podolsky October 24, 2012

As the economy slowly rebounds and unemployment begins to drop in almost every state, now is the time to ride the cyclical wave of real estate.  Whether it’s a house, multi-tenant, commercial building or my favorite raw land now is the time to start reloading and dipping your toe back into the investment waters of real estate.

The argument is obvious. Interest rates are low and the competition for great deals are getting fiercer every day.  These next few years are where some serious wealth is going to be made as it just seems the timing is getting better and better and now the employment numbers are  finally backing it up.

The real question is how do you start getting involved building wealth in real estate if you are a newbie?  There are some excellent free learning resources online such as www.biggerpockets.com or you could take a real estate investing class at your local community college.  The days of information being a rare valuable commodity are over and there is literally no excuse to not find the information you need to become a knowledgable real estate investor.

Now is the time.  Don’t delay.

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Wealth Building Time

by Mark Podolsky time to read: 1 min