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I’m A Prepper He’s A Prepper Wouldn’t You Like to Be A Prepper Too

By: Mark Podolsky February 1, 2013


Wait isn’t that the old Dr. Pepper theme song?  In case you’ve been living under a rock, the latest craze sweeping the nation is a show on the National Geographic Channel titled Doomsday Preppers.  I was lucky enough to meet one of the stars of the show– Tim Ralston

He owns gearupcenter.com about 5 minutes from my office.  We spent about an hour discussing prepping which is basically being prepared for an emergency.  Whether it be economic collapse, a dirty bomb, an electromagnetic pulse taking out the electrical grid or just a natural disaster it’s not extreme or crazy to be prepared it’s actually really smart.   If you own life or health insurance then don’t think that you shouldn’t be prepared for some type of disaster.

After speaking with him he really got me thinking about how woefully unprepared I am in case of an emergency.  I would have no way currently to protect my family and provide them any security.  As a result,  I’m sold on preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.  At the very least, I’m going to get make a plan, buy an emergency generator and stock up on food.

He told me that I could certainly leverage my rural land to begin selling and or building structures for prepper communities.  Please let me know if you would have some interest in working a deal for prepper land.   Tim stated that the most important attribute the land would have to have is water access.   He said you wouldn’t want to rely on water tanks or storage for your survival in case of an emergency.  Power is not a concern, but he stated it would be great to be away from the larger urban areas.

Please contact me if you would like me to help you with your prepper plans.

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I’m A Prepper He…

by Mark Podolsky time to read: 1 min