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Another Reason to Love Land

By: Mark Podolsky July 6, 2011

I’m preparing for a big move and I started getting really resentful of all the stuff we’ve accumulated over the years.  Unused toys, hardly worn clothes, canned goods never opened (going to the local food bank today) and the list goes on and on.  Then I had a customer email me to say money was tight and they would have to default on their note.  I only hope they weren’t buying more “stuff” and letting their land go for something that would eventually break, become obsolete or go out of style.  In fact, this is another reason for me to love land is that it takes up literally no space in my life and yet I get all of the benefits of ownership and use out of it.   Moving in 118 degree heat has been miserable, but enlightening to all of the “stuff” we have that we don’t use, never used or just had for just in case.  If we had never acquired this “stuff”, but invested in more raw land that we could camp on, hunt on or just experience with the family I know we’d have been much happier.

What do you think of “stuff” versus experiences and land investments?

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Another Reason to Love La…

by Mark Podolsky time to read: 1 min