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Is it true that the more acres you have as residential the less your taxes are versus raw land taxes?

By: Mark Podolsky December 12, 2012

Answer: No.  Typically the County Assessor will value an improved land for residential use at a higher tax rate (as it’s more valuable) than raw land.  Some developers work with the local county to reduce their tax rate by changing the property tax classification to Agricultural which has an even lower tax rate than residential.  However, once you begin improving the raw land and begin getting permits with Planning & Zoning, the assessor will raise the tax rates on the property with the change in zoning.  Therefore, depending upon your best and highest use for the property you will want to hold the land at the lower property tax classification to improve your return on investment.

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Is it true that the more …

by Mark Podolsky time to read: <1 min